Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sometimes Not Reaching a Goal Does Not Mean You Failed

Yesterday was the day I had been waiting for since finding out that I had diabetes.  It was my first 3-month follow up to see how much progress I had made.  I had set my goal for weight loss at 50 lbs, a goal I was not sure was actually attainable.  But as of two weeks ago, I would have bet a large sum that there was no way I would fall short of that goal.  I was down 48 lbs at that time figured losing two more pounds in two weeks would be a lock.  Well, despite more exercise and better eating habits, I hit the proverbial wall and only lost one more pound over that time bringing my total to 49.  I was a little disappointed but I was able to recognize the fact that there are some times when just because you do not reach a goal, it does not mean that you failed.  I was 98% of the way to reaching my goal but the fact that I dropped nearly 50 lbs in three months is astounding and has done wonders for my body.  The proof of what the weight loss has done for me is in the sugar-free pudding.

This trip to the doctor was immensely better than the last few times I had been.  My doctor summed it up best when she said, "It always more enjoyable when you get good news from the doctor."  Amen to that, sister.  Now for the results.  My liver function has improved greatly.  There are two levels they measure and both need to be below 40.  I dropped one from the high 70s to the low 30s and the other from the 140 range to 47, nearly within acceptable range.  My sugar was 115, cut nearly in half, and as result I only have to take my Metformin pill once a day now instead of twice.  One of the best results, however, was my A1C hemoglobin test.  I don't know all the particulars of this test but it gives a 3-4 month measure of the sugar level in your hemoglobin.  If your number is over 6.5, you are diabetic.  In October, mine was 7.9.  Yesterday, it was 5.8, just 0.2 away from being back in the normal range.  The best news, though, was that she said when I lose 15 more pounds I can quit taking the Metformin altogether and see how my body responds to that.  Things are definitely looking better than they did three months ago.
As always, I know who has helped me achieve these results and I am entirely grateful for the presence of Jesus Christ in my life.  After giving my post holiday update a few weeks ago, a friend sent me a few tweets with Bible verses in them.  One was James 1:6 and the other was Matthew 7:7-11.  Both scriptures center on not being afraid to ask God for guidance.  It is hard to receive things if you do not ask for them.  When I came home from my doctor's visit on October 10, I did a lot of praying and asking and I have received.  But, I did not sit around and just expect things to happen without putting in the work myself.  The Lord was not going to magically wave a wand and allow me to instantly start dropping weight and lower my numbers while I ate whatever I wanted to stuff into my face.  That's not how it works.  He helped me to gain the strength and focus to put the work in to get the results I needed and even though I came up one pound shy of my goal, I have not failed.

As for goals, I have a new goal set for the 3-month follow up and one for the rest of the year.  By the time I go back to the doctor in late April, I want to be down another 25 lbs.  As for the year long goal, I want to walk 365 miles on the treadmill this year and burn 35,000 calories while doing so.  Over the past two weeks, I have been able to walk nearly 17 miles while burning 1800 calories.  To put that in perspective, if I achieve this goal, the distance I have walked on the treadmill would be equivalent to walking from by house in Russell, KY to my brother's house in Sweetwater, TN and then walk from his house back to Knoxville.  As for burning that many calories, it would be the equivalent of burning off two weeks' worth of meals.  While those goals seem lofty at first glance, I feel like there is no way that I will fall short of them.  Unlike with the weight loss, which you can only control to an extent, I can totally control how I often I exercise and for how long I do it.  Besides, Philippians 4:13 tells us, "I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strength."  So, phase one of my temple restoration is nearly complete and I encourage any who read this to follow suit.  It is never too late to do good for yourself or God.  Until next time, thanks for reading and God bless!

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